
Popular Teeth Whitening Alternatives

Dental bonding is an affordable alternative for patients that are not eligible for teeth whitening.

Eating After a Tooth Extraction

A tooth extraction may be necessary if the tooth is too decayed to be repaired.

What Does a Kid Friendly Dentist do?

Kid friendly dentist offer a range of services to improve oral health for children. This includes preventive and restorative care.

How a Root Canal Can Save Your Tooth

Dental anxiety is a natural emotion for many individuals and needing a root canal can be scary.

Everything You Need to Know About a Dental Implant Restoration

A dental implant restoration is a great way to restore or replace teeth that are in bad shape or completely missing.

4 Tips for Dental Bridges Aftercare

You should always take care of your teeth, but it becomes especially important when you have dental bridges.

Dental Bonding Can Help With Chipped Teeth

Dental bonding has many uses and fixing chipped teeth is one of them. It is typically used to treat a chipped tooth when the damage is minor.

Common Periodontics Procedures from a General Dentist

Periodontics is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of treatments and procedures related to periodontal, or gum, health.

What Is the Purpose of a Root Canal?

The purpose of a root canal is to simply restore a tooth that is in bad shape.

Medication Treatments for TMJ

Medication treatments for TMJ | Dentists recommend the use of medications to relieve some of the symptoms of TMJ disorder. Such medications may include muscle relaxants, corticosteroids, tricyclic antidepressants and NSAIDs.