
What You Should Know About TMJ Disorders

TMJ disorder, or temporomandibular joint disorders, refers to a group of issues related to mobility and discomfort around the jaw joints.

Medication Treatments for TMJ

Medication treatments for TMJ | Dentists recommend the use of medications to relieve some of the symptoms of TMJ disorder. Such medications may include muscle relaxants, corticosteroids, tricyclic antidepressants and NSAIDs.

TMJ Treatment Options

TMJ disorder can cause an immense amount of pain and serious dysfunction in the jaw and facial region. It is necessary to see a general dentist for TMJ disorder treatment options. General dentists undergo extensive training that prepares them to … Continued

How General Dentists Treat TMJ

Find out more about TMJ, a common jaw-related disorder. Visiting a general dentist allows individuals to receive a proper diagnosis, as well as understand how severe the TMJ is. Once diagnosed, treatment is the next step. About TMJ Understanding what … Continued

Does TMJ Cause Jaw Pain?

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder refers to localized pain inside of the joint that connects the jaw and the skull.

What Is TMJ and How Is It Treated?

Wondering if you have TMJ, also known as temporomandibular disorder? Whenever you are experiencing any type of dental-related problem, making an appointment with a dental professional as soon as possible is necessary. If you do not, then your dental problem … Continued

Common Signs of TMJ Syndrome

Many people suffer from TMJ disorders, which affect the joints of the jaws. These disorders can be difficult to diagnose because the joint is very complex. Generally, about 12% of individuals in the United States have a TMJ disorder. Usually, … Continued

Can My General Dentist Help Me With TMJ Pain?

Wanting your general dentist to help you experience less TMJ pain? Some of the more common symptoms associated with temporomandibular joint disorder include a clicking of the jaw, headaches, earaches, pain when opening the mouth wide and overall tenderness in … Continued

Pain Relief from a TMJ Dentist

If you have jaw pain, a TMJ Dentist can help. TMJ can be extremely painful. It can impact your jaw, head, neck, and face. Initially, it may cause subtle pain and headaches. Many people mistake TMJ for something else because … Continued

Why Visiting a TMJ Dentist Can Help to Relieve Your Pain

If you are living with severe jaw pain, a TMJ dentist can help by providing relief.  This is a common condition that people of all ages can suffer from.  It can become difficult to eat, sleep, and even speak when … Continued