
What is a Fixed Partial Denture?

If you are missing either one or multiple teeth, you may want to ask your dentist if a partial denture is suitable for you.

Longevity of Dentures

Discover how long a denture normally lasts. Find out how to make dentures last longer than the average life span by caring for the dental appliance. #denture

Commonly Asked Questions About Partial Dentures

Dentures are a very common reality for a wide population of people.

A Dentist Explains Why Partial Dentures Might Be Right for You

On average, partial dentures take between six weeks to three months to be personalized for the patient and returned to the dental office for the patient to begin wearing.

Temporary Dentures? What Happens During Denture Repair?

Over time, dentures can become worn or damaged, resulting in a need for denture repair. While dentures are meant to be a permanent solution, they do experience wear and tear. Additionally, unforeseeable accidents can happen. Whether dentures are broken or … Continued

How You Can Restore Your Smile With Partial Dentures

You should ask your dentist any questions you may have about the process, including what to expect and future denture care.

Partial Dentures: A Comprehensive Overview

Many individuals anticipate the need for dentures as they age. However, tooth loss can affect anyone for a variety of other reasons, from decay to injury to disease. There are many dental procedures that can help replace a missing tooth, … Continued

What Are the Different Materials Options to Make Dentures?

Wondering what type of materials are used to make dentures? Also known as dental prosthesis and false teeth, dentures are necessary for those who are missing some or all of their teeth. A healthy mouth is one that has a … Continued

What to Ask Your Dentist About Dentures

Thinking you are ready to get dentures? Great! It really is essential for you to replace your missing teeth, as missing teeth cause your oral health to decline. Many people will put off getting dentures until they start experiencing a … Continued

Partial Dentures: How They Work and What Issues They Can Improve

Partial dentures usually consist of a removable replacement for any missing teeth and surrounding tissues as well. They also consist of pink or gum-colored plastic or metal bases for a better fitting. Based on the condition that the person's mouth … Continued