How Endodontics Therapy Works to Save Your Tooth

The endodontics branch of dentistry focuses on the study and treatment of the dental pulp. This very particular branch can help you in vast ways, especially when it comes to having root canal therapy. There are no better hands to be in during this situation than that of an endodontic dentist.

Our education goes beyond dental school, so you are assured that we have the extra experience in this important area. A small example of the experience we get is that we perform a large number of root canals per week.  We perform more than a regular dentist so when it comes to choosing between someone with much experience in the field of endodontics or a regular dentist; you will be better cared for in our hands.

Before your endodontics treatment, you will want to learn as much as you can about your tooth’s structure and why it is infected. This will help you understand the procedure and how it will treat your infection and make you feel better overall.

The Basic Tooth Structure:

There are two main parts to your tooth- the crown and the roots. The crown is the visible part of your tooth that is outside of your gum line. The roots are beneath your gum line and are surrounded by bone. The root is responsible for bringing life and feeling to your tooth. Inside your root is the root canal in which there are nerves and soft tissue— this is called the dental pulp.

Why You May Need a Root Canal:

Whenever you are in need of a root canal, it is usually due to damage of your tooth’s roots and dental pulp associated with periodontal disease, a cracked tooth, or decay and bacteria. When this area is infected, it can cause immense discomfort, sensitivities, swelling, and bleeding of the area surrounding it. If there is pus formed during the infection, it is often referred to as a tooth abscess. If the infection continues, your tooth will eventually die and fall out.

The Procedure:

Whenever the pulp of your tooth is infected, you will need a procedure known as endodontics therapy or root canal therapy to save your tooth. During this procedure, our endodontics office will gently remove the infection and the pulp from the root canal, leaving the root intact, so that your tooth can remain in place. Once the infection is removed, we will fill in the area with a rubbery substance known as gutta percha to help hold the tooth’s form and keep it in the correct placement. The tooth will then be sealed and should remain in great health for many years to come, as long as good oral hygiene is practiced.

The root canal therapy our endodontics office can offer you will save the life of your tooth. This will allow you to have the most working teeth and the best smile because it is your natural dental structure. Replacements are available, but they will never work quite as well as your strong natural teeth did, and they are an additional, often unnecessary, expense.

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Dr. Robert B Tamaki, DDS:
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